so... its been a while since i last blogged. i loose track of the days here. no joke idk what day it even is. well for all of those who havent heard i got a shinny new host fam. and just let me say they are great! i have a mom and 3 sisters. but only one lives at home and here name is raquel. i knew we would get along the first day i got here. cause guess what? she likes mami ink too!! who would have guessed. another kindred spirit to add to my list of fellow kindred spirits. but on the down side she does study a lot! (school is so over rated). my mom however, kind of scares me a tad bit, her name is bianca, but she is really sweet. but i do know i dont ever want to see her mad. oh did i mention she does acupuncture? how different is that! she is going to do it on me.. i just dont know when yet. no going to lie i am a bit scared to have needles poked in my skin. its kinda ironic you get needles poked into you so that you feel relaxed.. hmmm. well i do have a story. the first week i am with this fam i got myself into a little rut so to speak. and this is how it went down. i had my "mom" drop me off at my best bud olivia's house so her and i could get together and do nothing together. well we decided to go to the mall see a movie, the whole shabang. well after of course we go out of sushi. cause well needless to say i have a huge weak spot for the food. being the sweet girl that i am and wanting to seem like the great host daughter that i am i sent a text to my sis and mom seeing if they want to come with us. we hop in a taxi (olivia and that is) and are of to sushi brasil. well a little more then half way through our oh so wonderful meal my mom calls olivias phone to see why i am not at olivia for her to pick me up. needless to say she wasnt so happy with me. good grief if it werent for olivia i think i would have started to cry i was so worried. i couldnt even enjoy what was left of my salmon skins. and when that happens we all know that there is something terribly wrong in the world of caiti, sabe? when i got home i waited up for my mom. freaking out. you all dont even know. when she got home i waited by my dorr trying to get the courage to go and talk to her before she came to talk to me. cause i wanted to show that i am responsible and all that sort of stuff. not knowing if she was really mad or just wanted to lay down some house rules for i walked to my sisters room imaginaing that she would starte screaming at me in portuguese and me not understanding. oh it was terrible!! luckly all she want was to tell me how things worked in the house. so all was well in the end. but right now i am afriad that i am just too lazy to type any more. but i will try to blog more often and get pictures up for you all!!
tchau beijosss
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